Does a prosecutor have to provide copies of search warrant affidavits?

Posted by Stone River Criminal Defense Team

Last Updated: August 29, 2024

Under Rule 16 of the Utah Rules of Criminal Procedure (2022), a prosecutor is required to disclose and provide the defense with a copy of any warrant relating to the case. This includes any search warrants. The rule also requires prosecutors to turn over copies of any warrant affidavits filed in support of such warrants. […]
attorney meeting with client at desk

Under Rule 16 of the Utah Rules of Criminal Procedure (2022), a prosecutor is required to disclose and provide the defense with a copy of any warrant relating to the case. This includes any search warrants. The rule also requires prosecutors to turn over copies of any warrant affidavits filed in support of such warrants.

When a judge signs a search warrant in Utah, the court should require an affidavit from the officer seeking it. The affidavit is supposed to set out the facts believed to establish probable cause to justify the warrant. That affidavit must also be provided by the prosecutor to the defense in the criminal case. Just providing a copy of the warrant by itself does not meet the standards required under Rule 16.

Originally Published: November 20, 2023

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