How to Pay for an Expert Criminal Defense Attorney

Posted by Stone River Criminal Defense Team

Last Updated: September 3, 2024

Nothing in this article should be considered legal advise, or a recommendation for you to follow. This article is meant to be educational in order to help people make tough decisions while in tough situations. As we discussed in the article “Why Hiring an Expert Attorney is Worth It,” retaining an expert criminal defense attorney is […]
attorney meeting with client at desk

Nothing in this article should be considered legal advise, or a recommendation for you to follow. This article is meant to be educational in order to help people make tough decisions while in tough situations.

As we discussed in the article “Why Hiring an Expert Attorney is Worth It,” retaining an expert criminal defense attorney is essential but often expensive. When you’re charged with a crime, it’s not time to be cheap. Criminal charges are similar to other life problems that require expert help. You may wonder how you will afford the high price of an expert criminal defense attorney. To answer that question, it can be helpful to look at how people finance other major life expenses.

Credit Cards

When faced with an unexpected car repair and the bill exceeds savings, many turn to credit cards for financing. While Credit card debt is generally less than ideal, particularly for luxury items, credit cards can be a practical solution for essential expenses if you have a plan to pay it off. Afterall, there is a reason they exist.

Personal Loan

In cases of unexpected family emergencies or illnesses, personal loans from banks or other lenders are common solutions. These types of loans can be harder to obtain than a credit card but often come with better interest rates. When you or a loved one needs to hire an expert criminal defense attorney, a personal loan may be a viable option.

Second Mortgage

Home repairs often cost much more than what’s available in savings, credit cards, or personal loans. In these instances, a second mortgage (or home equity line of credit, HELOC) can provide the necessary funds. Certain criminal charges, like serious felonies, may carry potential life sentences, making the fees for the right expert criminal defense attorney substantial. In these cases, a second mortgage or HELOC is a possible course of action.

Other Options

Other financing options include asking friends and family for help, selling a vehicle, or even selling a home. These measures might seem extreme, but as discussed in a previous article, “The Problem with Being Accused of a Crime,” criminal charges are often life-altering, similar to a deadly illness or losing your home to a natural disaster. This is especially true for some Utah felonies, like sex crimes, aggravated burglary, and homicide, which carry a potential sentence of up to life in prison.

The Cost of Expert Assistance

Expert assistance in life always comes at a cost, and this is especially true for an expert criminal defense attorney with years of experience and years of practice in Utah. Understanding how to finance the right attorney can make a crucial difference in saving your or your loved one’s future.

By exploring these options, you can be better educated about how to meet the costs associated with hiring an expert criminal defense attorney, ensuring you have the best possible defense.

Originally Published: August 5, 2024

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