Who are our clients?

Posted by Stone River Criminal Defense Team

Last Updated: August 29, 2024

First and foremost, we see every client as a human being. While the criminal justice system uses labels like suspect, defendant, arrestee, victim, and inmate, we prefer to think of our clients as people—parents, sons, daughters, friends. What kind of people do we represent? Our clients are professionals, students, educators, construction workers, bricklayers, homemakers, artists, […]
attorney meeting with client at desk

First and foremost, we see every client as a human being.

While the criminal justice system uses labels like suspect, defendant, arrestee, victim, and inmate, we prefer to think of our clients as people—parents, sons, daughters, friends.

What kind of people do we represent?

Our clients are professionals, students, educators, construction workers, bricklayers, homemakers, artists, people looking for work, and those just trying to find their way in life. In other words, anyone can face accusations of a crime.

The stereotype of criminals as thugs or drug addicts simply doesn’t reflect reality.

Are our clients guilty or innocent?

Some are innocent. Some are guilty. Others are guilty only of a portion of what’s been alleged. The black-and-white notion of guilt or innocence doesn’t capture the complexity of human experience.

Every client has a story that is more intricate and nuanced than any police report can convey.

What if you are guilty?

As criminal defense attorneys, we focus on more than just protecting your legal rights; we also work to tell your story in a way that reminds judges and prosecutors that real people are on both sides of every case.

A justice system that only sees guilt or innocence fails to deliver true justice. The best criminal defense attorneys recognize that justice is far more complex.

Originally Published: November 19, 2023

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