Last Updated: November 19, 2023

Who are our clients?

First and foremost, every client we represent is a human being. The criminal justice system uses labels like suspect, defendant, arrestee, victim, and inmate. We prefer terms like person, parent, son, daughter, or friend. What kind of people? Professionals, students, educators, construction workers, bricklayers, homemakers, artists, people looking for work,…

First and foremost, every client we represent is a human being.

The criminal justice system uses labels like suspect, defendant, arrestee, victim, and inmate. We prefer terms like person, parent, son, daughter, or friend.

What kind of people?

Professionals, students, educators, construction workers, bricklayers, homemakers, artists, people looking for work, and people just looking to find their way in life — just about anyone can be accused of a crime.

The stereotypes of thugs and drug addicts in the criminal justice system are simply not true.

Are they guilty or innocent?

Some of our clients are innocent. Some are guilty. Some are guilty, but only of a part of what has been alleged.

The black-and-white all-or-nothing idea of being either guilty or innocent does not describe the reality of being human.

All of our clients have a story that is larger and more complicated than anything that could fit in a police report.

What if I am guilty?

As criminal defense attorneys, we work not only to protect your legal rights, but also to help to tell your story in a way that makes judges and prosecutors remember that there are real human beings on both sides of each case.

A justice system that sees only guilt or innocence will not produce real justice. The best criminal defense attorneys understand that real justice is much more complex.

Originally Published: November 19, 2023

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